Crab or soothe with aloe vera when itching by processierups?

Krabben of kalmeren met Aloë Vera bij jeuk door processierups?

In the summer months, just when you wear airy clothing, the process caterpillar is also active. They nestle in oak trees that they also eat bald. By direct or indirect contact (via the wind) with the fire haarts you can get health problems such as bumps, skin rash and itching. Crabs is obvious but calm down is definitely better. The good news is that high-end vegan aloe vera gel and the vegan aloe vera serum by Aurora Dionis give direct lighting and a solution to reduce itching and crabs and calm wounds and support them in their healing.

Only use Aloe Vera from very good quality in which no traces of anthraquinone. This can give more irritation. Aurora Dionis products are high-end natural and vegan skin care. The aloe vera serum and gel are ideally suited for the treatment of affected skin. They also contain a highly concentrated pure vegan hyaluronic acid that has been extracted from Vegan Polisaccarides.

The oak procession caterpillar (Thaumetopoea processionea) did not immediately mean you. To defense the nest, the caterpillar is equipped with fire habberdowns. Part of his hair, about 700,000 white fire hairs the culprits and are released by wind to the air. Did you know they spread to a distance of 50-100 meters? Subsequently, these fire hairs can secure with barbs in the superficial layers of the skin, eyes and the upper respiratory tract. This causes painful itchy wounds (Lamy, 1987; Vega, 1999) where they issue the protein Thaumetopoein. This protein activates a number of enzymes. Histamine is released here and probably also a number of other substances that affect the blood vessels (dilation or narrowing).

Why treat itching with Aloe Vera Vegan Gel or Serum?

The fire horses cause an irritating ignition reaction with symptoms such as painful skin rash (dermatitis) and severe itching (pruritus). In addition to this inconvenience, it is advisable to always care for the skin at a tuned not allergy-stimulating way. Why?
the bumps, pimples and / or with moisture-filled blisters can ignite. By scratching or rubing the hair easily spread over other parts of the body. Where without treatment the complaints normally disappear within two weeks.

Avoid developing allergic (skin) response

What is less known is that you can develop an allergy over time. The amount of fire hairs with which one comes into contact determines the felitude and extensibility of the reaction (taken from RIVM, 2008). Depending on the individual sensitivity (hereditary predisposition), the frequency of exposure to fire hairs and the exposure time and intensity, part of the population develops an allergy. For serious complaints, cortison cream and / or antihistamines can be prescribed by the general practitioner.

Aurora Dionis Vegan Medical Skin Specialist advises

By dealing with complaints such as itching and bumps with the high end vegan aloe vera serum or gel you will quickly experience reducing the complaints such as itching and scratching. In addition to the high concentration Aloe Vera, Vegan Hyaluronic Acid supports the recovery. That combination provides lighting of itching and inflammation is prevented. The recovery of small wounds is significantly supported with which scarring on the skin is prevented. Taking care of the skin directly in irritation works preventively to develop more (intense) allergic reactions.

  • treat practical instruction with the high end vegan aloe vera serum or gel in skin complaints by the process caterpillar? Click here.
  • Read more about the operation of Aloe Vera? Click Here.
  • Do you want to buy the products? Click here.

Huidtype: Vet

Kenmerken van een vet huidtype op een rijtje:

• glimt vrij snel

• de poriën zijn duidelijk te zien

• toont op latere leeftijd rimpels

• kan na reinigen droog, trekkerig aanvoelen en glimt daarna weer snel 

• is relatief dik 

• heeft sneller last van puistjes en/of onzuiverheden

• heeft geregeld zwarte puntjes

Het gebruik van probiotica, alfahydroxyzuur (AHA), silicium, magnesium, vetzuren en cermamidem helpen de vette huid herstellen en de poriën verfijnen van de huidstructuur.