Laboratory tests from our root extract


Product quality stands and also falls with adequate shelf life of the active substances.

The Aloe products from Aurora Dionis contain a natural pro biotic with antibacterial effect. With the advantage that they:

  • Conservations naturally
  • Shelf life Increase safe
  • Skin condition significantly improving
  • do not give allergic reactions

"smart" natural ingredients

Two 'smart' ingredients together with the Aloe itself are essential here. These are natural antimicrobial peptides obtained from Lactobacillus and coconut extracts (Cocos Nucifera). 'Bad bacteria' and fungi are made harmless by these 'good bacteria' and anti-fungal extract.
The combination is a pro biotic for the skin partly due to the protective, moisturizing and antibacterial effect and They return the skin to your own acidity.

Health health and acidity

The hydrogenium pondus or too pH value affects the condition of the skin. Lower than 7 pH falls under 'acid' and higher than 7 pH is 'basic'. Our organs have a pH value of approximately a 7.9 pH, while our skin has a pH value between 4.5 and 5.5. The skin condition is best around its own pH value. In this way it can protect themselves on intruders from outside, renewal and curing wounds. A less good condition increases the risk of skin problems by evoking 'wrong' bacteria and fungi.

Micro organisms such as bacteria, fungi and yeasts increase in warmer, humid conditions and a neutral pH of 7. But they can Tolerate a pH range of 5 to 8. Some yeasts, on the other hand, can survive in a wide range of acid to basic. By using soap, all kinds of cosmetics, water and shower, the pH value of the skin runs up. Skin disorders such as acne and eczema thrive better at this higher pH value. While the growth of our 'good' skin bacteria is correctly impeded by that higher pH. A more acidic climate with, for example, a pH value of 6 or less inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi. Wherein an organic acid such as lactic acid inhibits growth even stronger than other acids.

The combination of products and ingredients of Aurora Dionis Skincare contribute to a healthy skin condition and do not give any allergic reactions.

table pH values __

Aurora Dionis Skincare products are also tested for quality and shelf life in external laboratories. The Lactobacillus inhibits the growth of bacteria such as; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli (e-coli).
The root extract of the Cocos Nucifera ensures that yeasts are combated such as the Candida albicans. Even a yeast such as Aspergilus Brasiliensis that normally survives in a climate of 1.5 - 9.5 pH is ultimately disabled. See investigations about the effects of Probiotic for the skin: https: //
Https:// and

Test results Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics Sas Soothing Aloe Serum

See the table below Laboratory Test Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics

In short, natural preservatives are for hands and contributing to a significantly better skin condition. Certainly when there is a sensitive skin or skin problems, Aurora Dionis Skincare is a solution and is the advice to avoid synthetic additives.

More about natural versus synthetic preservatives. Click here
More about Aloe Vera? Click here.

Huidtype: Vet

Kenmerken van een vet huidtype op een rijtje:

• glimt vrij snel

• de poriën zijn duidelijk te zien

• toont op latere leeftijd rimpels

• kan na reinigen droog, trekkerig aanvoelen en glimt daarna weer snel 

• is relatief dik 

• heeft sneller last van puistjes en/of onzuiverheden

• heeft geregeld zwarte puntjes

Het gebruik van probiotica, alfahydroxyzuur (AHA), silicium, magnesium, vetzuren en cermamidem helpen de vette huid herstellen en de poriën verfijnen van de huidstructuur.